In need of a little break? These benches along our river and creeks are waiting for you!
Bench along the Allegheny River in Starbrick, Pa.
My family has spent all but one year living along the Allegheny River in the last fourteen years. That one year we didn't have the mighty Allegheny in our backyard taught us a lot. Flowing water is therapeutic. Healing. Refreshing. Soothing. And oftentimes just downright educational and entertaining - bald eagle swooping, fish jumping, turtle popping their heads up to see what's happening, and the occasional beaver batting its tail at us so hard we were soaked afterward.
This shouldn't be a luxury afforded only to those who live along the rivers edge. As I looked out our shop windows last week at the empty benches along the river, I started to think of all the places anyone could go to take a break and let the flowing water wash their worries downriver. This is that list. If you've noticed I forgot a bench, please let me know.
Cheers to our little communities for creating these wonderful places, and to all of us for carving out some time to take a break and get some fresh air!